Who We Are

MADEFLONA Industrial Madeireira Ltda is a Brazilian company operating in the State of Rondônia, specialized in the production chain of wood from natural forests. It holds four forest concession contracts with the federal government, in the Jamari National Forest (Itapuã do Oeste) and in the Jacundá National Forest (Candeias do Jamari and Porto Velho), both in the State of Rondônia, totaling 137,000 hectares. The contracts allow access to natural resources through Sustainable Forest Management Plans, meeting pre-established technical, economic and social criteria. Remuneration to the government is proportional to the volume of wood harvested, obeying various control mechanisms. All contract details can be accessed on the Brazilian Forest Service Service portal: Click Here.

These contracts guarantee the supply of raw materials for its own industry, located in the municipality of Itapuã do Oeste, and for other regional partner industries. Processed wood is sold in Brazil and exported to other countries.

In its activities, MADEFLONA continuously seeks the conscious use of natural resources, integrating, improving and disseminating techniques and technologies, applying methods to monitor the impacts of forest management on the environment (flora and fauna) and on the socioeconomic environment.


To fully practice sustainability, working so that the forest remains a forest.


Providing high-quality timber products to the civil construction, furniture, road, and railway sectors in Brazil; and to other commercial partners in North, Central, and South America; Europe; and Asia.


  • Respect for the environment
  • Social Responsibility
  • Credibility, commitment and integrity
  • Ethics, respect and trust

Labor Policy

“All are equal before the law, without distinction of any nature, guaranteeing the inviolability of the right to life, freedom, equality, security and property” Federal Constitution of 1988, Art. 5th. (adapted)

MADEFLONA Industrial Madeireira Ltda, in the development of its activities, institutes its labor policy, in the terms below.

1. The organization constantly seeks to comply with the rights and obligations established by national legislation;
2. The organization does not use child labor under any circumstances;
3. The organization does not use any form of forced and compulsory labor, including:

  • Physical and sexual violence.
  • Withholding of wages/including payment of employment fees and/or payment of deposit to commence employment.
  • Mobility/movement restriction
  • Retention of passport and identity documents
  • Threats of reporting to authorities.

4. Employment relationships are voluntary and based on mutual consent, without the threat of penalty;
5. The organization guarantees that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation;
6. The organization respects freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining;
7. Workers may establish or join workers' organizations of their own choosing;
8. The organization respects the total freedom of workers' organizations to elaborate their constitutions and rules;
9. The organization respects the rights of workers to engage in lawful activities related to training, membership or assistance in organizing workers or to refrain from doing the same; and does not discriminate against or punish workers for exercising these rights;
10. The organization negotiates with legally established workers' organizations and/or duly selected representatives in good faith and with best efforts to reach a collective bargaining agreement;
11. Collective bargaining agreements are implemented where they exist.

Respect for theMadeflonaenvironment
    • Where we are

      Highway BR-364 KM 105 Lote 02-Block 1-P.o. box 05-05 Sector-Itapuã do Oeste-Rondônia-RO

      ZIP CODE: 76861-000

    • Contact us

       (69) 98402-8990


       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.